Great ideas that keep resurfacing.

*Send us ideas if you have them :) This page includes some low hanging fruit to pick that we hear time and time again about how good they are.


Sound boring? Heard it a million times? Tick to both. Then a few of us did it. We did Vedic Meditation ( there are different types of meditation ). Transcendental meditation is a branded form of Vedic Meditation, as is the one that you might have read about. The technique of Vedic Mediation was popularised by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the 60s/70s. Those who do one of these forms include: Oprah Winfrey, Ray Dalio, Novak Dijokovic,Paul McCartney, Martin Scorsese.


  1. Reduced Stress and Anxiety

  2. Improved Focus and Clarity

  3. Greater Relaxation

  4. Increased Resilience

  5. Enhanced Creativity

How it works:

It involves the use of a mantra—a specific word or sound—that is repeated silently in the mind to help settle the mind and bring about a state of restful alertness.

A great place to learn is:

If you end up doing this. Let us know, we would love to hear about your experience.

do it ~ believe it ~ own it ~make it ~give it ~take it


do it ~ believe it ~ own it ~make it ~give it ~take it 〰️


In the United States, the average adult consumes only about 1.6 servings of vegetables per day, far below the recommended 2.5 to 3 servings (approximately 2 to 3 cups). Eat up kids!

Processed foods = avoid. Why? Look it up.

*more informed detailed ideas are on their way in the food department.